by Alesia Hendley
Twitter chats continue to grow in popularity within the Twitterverse. The variety of subjects that can be found to discuss is amazing. A chat can boost engagement with customers, influencers and like-minded individuals all over the world. That’s why I love Twitter chats and participate in a handful of different chats myself. From time to time I even get to host one. But if you have never heard of a Twitter chat or participated in one, let me provide you with a quick rundown.
A Twitter chat takes place on Twitter (of course). Each chat covers a different topic, providing knowledge on a specific subject or platform, and has an associated hashtag. For example: #ChatSnap touches on all things related to the SnapChat app. #TwitterSmarter covers tools and techniques to help expand reach and engagement on Twitter. #ggchat targets indie music artists around the world, focusing on everything indie. Some chats take place weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or even bi-monthly – each group is different. Usually a chat will last anywhere from 30mins to an hour, with a designated host leading the charge.
Female Frequency, a sister company of ours here at SoundGirls, is a collective dedicated to empowering women and girls through the creation of music that is entirely female generated. They have started a new weekly chat, hosted by Angela Sheik every Monday at 8pm EST. So far, the chat has covered topics on recording preparation and choosing/working with a producer. You can participate in the weekly chat by using the hashtag #ffchat. I look forward to seeing some new and familiar faces during next week’s #ffchat.
To connect with me or any of the platforms mentioned here on twitter, you can click the hyperlinks or follow each as listed –
Female Frequency: @FemaleFreq
Host of #ffchat Angela Sheik: @AngelaSheik @SoundGirlsOrg
Alesia Hendley: @thesmoothfactor
Alesia Hendley is an AV professional that found her passion at a young age as a sound engineer with her Father’s church. Now you can find her operating/installing audiovisual systems or executing creative ventures. As a young professional, she’s finding ways to bring AV, creatives, and creative visions together.